Going back to my pickle situation. I was having a rough time with something messing with my pickle. My Argentium would come out of the pickle pot with this nasty grey color all over it...and would not come off for anything...and I mean nothing would take that color off my silver. I was using Argentium...and I don't know if it was some kind of mineral in my well water I started with or if the pickle was some how getting contaminated, but I threw everything out ...and started over. New pickle pot, new pickle, distilled water, and a new charcoal block. The pickle I decided to go with was an environmentally friendly one called Otto Tech Citri-Pickle by Otto Frei of course! When I purchased it back on 2.22.12, it was $5.95 for a 2 pound container. I filled my crock pot 1/2 way full of distilled water and mixed in 8 scoops of pickle...and stirred until it was dissolved (you should mix it as 1 part pickle to 3 parts water). It has worked like a charm...not one problem with that pickle. I have made more since then, but yesterday I found my jar was empty. Sigh... I am expecting another container of citric acid from a different supplier (FTD) in a few days. I hope this one works as well. After I ordered it, I noticed that it was more expensive (twice) than my Otto Frei pickle.
So next time I will order from Otto Frei!!! :-)
I have recently discovered something called Wolf Clay. It's a soldering clay. It has made complicated soldering jobs MUCH easier. I got mine thru Jayne Redman, but I would think you could order it thru www.wolftools.biz I think it was $42.00 for a jar of it...which sounds like a lot but it is reusable so I hope mine will last for a LONGGGGGGGGG time!! :-)
Lastly ...the mini fiber wheel pictured below is suppose to get rid of solder spills. I haven't tried this yet, although I have these, I tend to use them for texturing the metal. Now that I ran into this tip, you better believe I will be trying it out in the near future!! :-)
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